Well it’s closing on the Fourth of July !!!! I proudly , always , fly my flag year around . I’m absolutely proud of America and all it stands for . I’m proud of our President and the office that he occupies . Whenever we have an election every four years I accept the results no matter what ! I hope that whoever he or she is they do a good job . I’m not always happy with the election or the people but I’ve always hoped they would be allowed to do the best to their ability . I still do . I’m not putting this up to debate but to share good thoughts and pride in saying I was born and bred to be a proud American ! I still love our song , it still gives me chills to see our flag rippling in the wind . Happy fourth to all my friends and a few enemies . I can’t think of a better view than that baby colt getting his first shot of go juice under the flag ! GOD BLESS AMERICA !!