Good evening from hellsaroarin! This post is not what I usually do but I’ve absolutely had enough of the bunch of cry baby whiners in this community. Do you see this picture . ? I’ve had this camp in hellsaroarin since 1982 . Grazed every year and this is by my camp . Look at how tall and lush it is ! This post has to do with people talking about the logging going on in Jardine . First off it’s my land !! Period . I worked with the Rocky Mountain elk foundation to come up with a grazing fuel reduction plan . I grazed some areas harder this year to spray the weeds that I couldn’t find . I did . I don’t want OUR land looking like California or Yellowstone park . It is a disaster . I’ve sprayed weeds and picked up 36 pickup loads of barb wire on decker flats while you whiners sat around sipping your wine saying how you can make this hunting free and put up buffer zones . Jardine was for sale for ten years you people who don’t like what we are doing should of bought it . We’ve cleaned up the old dump working on cars barn wire etc ! I’ve donated so much of my time to this community . What gets me is the people who build multiple homes on their land tear it up pick the weeds and throw the weeds on the road to get caught up in tires to be carried all over the forest roads . You are an expert . ? The same person who throws their limbs and scrap wood onto my property for me to burn ? I mind my own business now mind yours . When the dust settles there won’t be a weed or piece of garbage on our property . It will be a show place ! Now to all the people who I thought was friends and want to use my property or cross it you need written permission every time you use it . You do not go up and talk to the loggers telling them what trees to keep . That is none of your business . I haven’t decided yet but I’m deciding on if I should log below the old Foster place to shop building . Don’t write on my post but come look me in the eye . I’m a patriot and love my country and the freedom that it gives !!You people are not going to dictate to me how to run Jardine . . Again to cross all of this property you need written permission and why you want to . It takes a couple of nosey neighbors to mess it up . Respectfully Warren