This Gazette story was in 2001, it’s a story of Chuck and Arlene Larsen hauling six of our horses to the inaugural parade in Washington DC ! After President Bush got elected we got the call from the Governors office asking if we could supply horses for six Montana delegates including our Governor Judy Martz ! It was a mad scramble to gather horses out of winter pasture get Fred Howie to sharp shoe them . Draw blood , health , brand inspections. Plus I wanted them gentle for anything . Our reputation was on the line with millions watching . Chuck and Arlene were the best with care . I never worried about transport. They took better care of those horses than most did with their kids. We put Miss Martz on Willie Aimee’s wonderful black gelding . They arrived there safe and sound and Arlene kept me updated daily . They were at a stable in Virginia . The day of the parade I was nervous but when Arlene called me and said partway through the parade somebody else’s horses balked at an iron grid ,
Our Governor eased Willie up and around them let him smell the iron and he stepped over it and the rest followed . With cheers! we got a nice letter from them on how broke , gentle , willing our horses were . I was proud to do it and proud of our horses . A little history , hope you enjoyed it .
Respectfully Warren